

Tackling cybersecurity and privacy risks around the world through research, education and community engagement.

About Cyber@GW

Emerging technologies have become a dominant force in our society—driving economics, policy and culture, and accounting for more than $40 trillion in global nominal gross domestic product. In an increasingly interconnected world dependent on technology, GW researchers are using new approaches to safeguard cybersecurity loopholes before they can be exploited. Cybersecurity and privacy threats not only impact large corporations and government agencies, but also individuals everywhere.

Cyber@GW brings together experts from across the GW community to discuss significant issues related to this ever-evolving landscape and the profound implications they have for everyone. 

GW is primed to be a regional and national leader in cybersecurity and privacy due to its diverse and distinctive programs spanning multiple schools and colleges as well as its unique location in the nation's capital, which provides access to and partnerships with government, technology firms and defense industries. 


We are focused on centralized coordination throughout GW with strong incentives for collaboration in both education and research across schools, programs, and departments provided a framework to launch Cyber@GW into a national and regional powerhouse that can attract research funding, corporate and government partnerships, new faculty, and a broad cohort of students that are interested in the distinctive and diverse cybersecurity and privacy programs available here at GW. 


  • Fosters interdisciplinary and cross-school research collaborations that include processes for the funding, recognition and incentivization of these efforts.
  • Provides the resources and capacity to discover and support the plethora of degree and certificate programs, where courses and programs across schools are made available to and clearly accessible by students, faculty, administrators, and external partners.
  • Projects a robust and distinctive brand that recognizes the diversity but also the unity of the cybersecurity and privacy efforts at the university.
  • Synergizes with government partners, peer universities, and potential students and faculty who might be attracted to this brand.
  • Supports continued efforts to bring the broader GW community together through programming, events and outreach to students, faculty, and administration. 


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